With the recent results from the Magic the Gathering Pro Tour. Boros Heroic had some solid results, with even one list making it to the finals. Boros heroic got one brand new cards from Duskmourn and another in Thunders Junction. Gains a very explosive aggressive threat in Slickshot that allows you to plot on turn two, so you can protect on turn three. This deck has the speed mixed with a perfect balance of removal to diversify the roles it can take in a individual matchup.
Creature Breakdown
Favored Hoplite, Monastry Swiftspear, and Soul-Scar Mage are eficient must answer threats that will take pressure away from our key threats like Illuminator Virtuoso. It is important to apply pressure starting on turn one without depolying more than three threats at any given time.
Slickshot Show-Off is a creature that we can plot either when we are ahead to use our mana or early in the game to position ourselves to win in a single turn.
Illuminator Virtuoso is a threat that helps close out the game against decks that can race but run a low amount of interaction. This is our main way to win against Angels.
Noncreature Breakdown
Protection Spells: Consist of a 3/3/1 split in between Shardmage's Rescue and Loran's Escape and Seijri Shelter. This is key to protect against Supreme Verdict and to cause blowouts against target removal.
Combat Tricks: Consists of Monstrous Rage, Homestead Courage, Ancestral Anger, and Defiant Strike. Two of which grants us trample to get over other aggro decks, while the other is a instant speed way of triggering prowess. Homestead is important against other aggressive decks where you need a blockers.
Removal Suite: Running 2 of Reckless Rage due to it killing most things in the format while also triggering heroic.
Sideboard Breakdown
Removal Suite: Have four different removal options depending on any given matchup. Two Sheltered by Ghosts for matchups where we need to exile any kind of permanent which also gaining us life and protection. 1 Reckless Rage to answer threats, while also growing our creature. 2 Get Lost is our catch all removal spell that answers Teferi, Temporary Lockdown, or Sheoldred. 2 copies of Light of Hope to answer enchantments or pumping our threats. 2 copies of Flowstone Infusion to help against other aggro decks, where we might not have access to a creature to enable removal that must target our creatures.
Graveyard Interaction: Running two copies of Rest in Peace to slow down Phoenix and Greasefang matchups.
Card Advantage: Running three copies of Showdown of the Skalds. These pieces are critical to bridge our bad matchups that use a lot of removal and disruption to stop our gameplan. These pieces come in to keep us turning through our deck to find more gas.
Sideboard Guide
Rakdos Prowess
Azorius Control
Izzet Phoenix
Jund Sacrifice
Enigmatic Incarnation
Next we will cover non tier one decks that you might face.