Wish Gates is an land based strategy that tried to win by obtaining 10 unique gates and activing Maze's End. This deck leverages Wish to be able to grab our Maze's End from our Side Board. The deck leverages life gain from Omnath and gains powerful effects for running gates.
Deck List: Wish Gates
Creature Breakdown
Ramp: Gates plays 3 copies of Kellan, Inquisitive Prodigy and 4 copies of Arboreal Grazer that help accerlate the deck's ablilty to get ahead on land count to make up for our lands coming into play tapped.
Omnath, Locus of Creation: Allows the deck to semi ramp if you can play multiple lands per turn. It replaces itself and is used for the ability to gain four life per turn.
Noncreature Breakdown
Ramp Spells: The deck play 4 Growth Spiral, 4 Spelunking, and 2 Circuitous Route to increase the speed towards our win condition or to our wraths. Spelunking allows for the deck to turn the tapped gates into untapped dual lands. Plus allowing for multiple activations of a maze's end to close out the game much faster.
Removal Suite: We are running four copies of Gates Ablaze to wrath away any chance that aggros may have to beat us. Running one copy of Abrupt Decay and one copy of molten collapse for early target removal.
Guild Summit: Currently running three copies to give the deck card advantage for each gate we play.
Wish: This is a unique piece to the deck. We have a vast array of options to tutor for that cost zero, one, or two mana to help in any given matchup. It also allows for the deck to be able to find Maze's End if we are close to winning the game.
Sideboard Breakdown
Wish Suite: Our wish suite consists of Tormod's Crypt, Alpine Moon, Haywire Mite, Lithomantic Barrage, Pick Your Poison, Pithing Needle, and Crackling Perimeter. These cheap targets cover a lot of the must answer threats or deal with their graveyard.
Removal Suite: One copy of Molten Collapse to bring in against control to answer sharks or their planewalkers. One copy of Deafening Clarion and Extinction Event to come in against aggro.
Combo Interaction: One copy of Damping Sphere to delay Lotus Field and combine this with the ability to wish for alpine moon, should allow for the deck to compete. One copy of Unmoored Ego to exile combo pieces from our opponents library like Lotus Field.
Graveyard Interaction: Running two copies of Rest in Peace to slow down Phoenix and Greasefang matchups.
Sideboard Guide
Rakdos Prowess
Azorius Control
Izzet Phoenix
Jund Sacrifice
Enigmatic Incarnation
Next we will cover non tier one decks that you might face.