Izzet Ensoul is an aggressive strategy that is built around powerful cards that just happen to be very budget friendly. Even on arena the deck consists mainly of commons and uncommons. We are also going to cover what upgrades to make.This might be the most competitive pioneer deck that you can build for $50.
Deck List: Izzet Ensoul
Creature Breakdown
Artifact Enablers: Voldaren Epicure and Spyglass Siren both come down and provide a free artifact. These cards are both staples in other decks in Pioneer. So it is worth investing in these.
Gleaming Geardrake: Gets huge relatively fast in the deck and is a must answer threat for it's price tag.
Combat Courier: Is a nice artifact that triggers Geardrake and can be a solid piece in the late game
Noncreature Breakdown
Subterranean Schooner: I choose to play four in the deck to give our early game threats an extra boost, while also being a decent sized threat.
Ensoul Suite: We are running four copies of Case of the Filched Falcon, Ensoul Artifact, and we also play one copy of The Blackstaff of Waterdeep to give us ways to make our artifacts into 4/4 or 5/5 creatures.
Burn Suite: We are running four copies of Shrapnel Blast to give us a little bit of extra reach. Dealing five damage to any target can end the game quickly. We are also playing four copies of Torch the Tower that can deal with most small creatures.
Sideboard Breakdown
Removal Suite: Three Fry for matchups where we need to answer Ledger Shredder, Angels, Greasefang, Convoke Threats, and etc.
Interaction: Running multiple counterspells that have a lot of coverage across the meta. It is good versus interaction and combo decks.
Experimental Frenzy: Provides the deck card advantage against control and midrange.
Damping Sphere: Two copies to help push off lotus field enough to get underneath them.
Sideboard Guide
Rakdos Prowess
Azorius Control
Izzet Phoenix
Jund Sacrifice
Enigmatic Fires
Next we will cover the upgrade guide and how to sideboard