Boros Humans is an aggressive strategy that also tries and taxes out wraths long enough until you can win the game. This deck provides multiple ways to create a big board that punches hard. This deck has an advantage of being a path to migrate to Pioneer with Orzhov Humans, while also competiting with the best Standard decks for only $50
Deck List: Boros Humans
Creature Breakdown
Aggressive Threats: Officer, Veteran, Inspector, and Reinforcements are early game threats that either produce multiple bodies or their stateline is above the cost.
Closers: The deck provides four Imodane's Recruiter and four Coppercoat Vanguard that provide anthem like effects that rewards us for our go wide stratgey.
Warden of the Inner Sky: Is the best early game threat that gains flying and flying later in the game, while digging for the best cards in any given matchup.
Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon: Gets relatively huge across multiple combat phases. It is a solid Adeline, Resplendent Cathar replacement on a budget.
Brutal Cathar: It is the best option for a human that provides removal, while not getting taxed by Thalia.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben: Solid two drop that sees play in older formats. She provides a solid way to tax out wraths and removal.
Noncreature Breakdown
Case of the Gateway Express: Is our primary removal spell that also becomes an anthem. It costing two mana allows us to double spell turn four.
Sideboard Breakdown
Removal Suite: The list runs a few options to customize our removal suite. With a copy of Abrade that can deal with artifacts or a creature. Lantern Flare is a removal spell that can scale to remove Sheoldred, while also gaining us a decent amount of life against other aggro decks. Knockout Blow is a key removal piece that helps against red deck wins.
Graveyard Interaction: Running multiple copies of Lantern of the Lost to deal with the new Virtue Land combo
Anointed Peacekeeper: Comes in against Control and other decks that Brutal Cathar isn't optimal.
Extraction Specialist: Two copies to help reoccur our threats against black based removal.
Cathar Commando: Is a human that also helps against decks that contain win by artifacts or enchantments.
Assemble the Players: This is our card advantage piece against midrange and control.
Sideboard Guide
Esper Midrange
Boros Convoke
Domain Ramp
Azorius Control
Red Deck Wins
Next we will cover the upgrade guide and how to sideboard