It has been a long time coming. It is time to discuss the biggest deck that I play on my channel. Abzan Midrange is the main midrange strategy that I enjoy in the format. It plays iconic cards like Siege Rhino, while also applying pressure early and removing keys threats later.
Deck List: Abzan Midrange
Creature Breakdown
Card Advantage Threats: Mosswood Dreadknight and Sharp-Eyed Rookie are early pieces that provide card draw or clues as we deploy our threats. Often making these threats become 2 for 1s or better. Glissa Sunslayer is a hard to kill threat that if it connects can remove a Fable or draw a card. The last card that provides extra cards is Sentinel of the Nameless City that creates maps, which can draw through our land pocket.
Siege Rhino: Being still one of the best four drop creature in Abzan colors that allows us to have Jegantha, the Wellspring as our companion. If you rather not run Siege Rhino you could sub it out for Esika's Chariot.
Noncreature Breakdown
Removal Suite: Early game removal consists of Fatal Push and Abrupt Decay. Our catch all removal we split between Get Lost and Bitter Triumph. Vanishing Verse is a nice piece to have in our removal suite to exile Phoenix or Shredder.
Reckoner Bankbuster: Run a few copies to increase our threat density and provides card advantage, to help us turn through our deck for interaction.
Hand Interaction: Run a full playset of thoughtseize to remove combo pieces from our opponents hand.
Sideboard Breakdown
Sweeper Suite: We run three copies of Extinction Event and one copy of Culling Ritual to deal with decks like Ensoul or Convoke. Extinction Event also helps against Phoenix and other decks where you really want to exile a certain threat.
Removal Suite: One copy of Tear Asunder to exile the Wurm from creativity combo and also answering issue cards like Vehicles from Greasefang or etc.
Combo Interaction: Two copies of Damping Sphere to delay Lotus Field, while we apply pressure. The Stone Brain to deal with the primary win condition from Lotus Field or etc, while also helping against UW control.
Hand Interaction: Two copies of Duress to interact with combo strategies that also covers control. Go Blank provides a mix of hand disruption and graveyard interaction.
Graveyard Interaction: Running two copies of Unlicensed Hearse to slow down Phoenix and Greasefang matchups, while not interfering with Mosswood Dreadknight.
Jegantha, the Wellspring: The key advantage piece we gain from playing Siege Rhino and other 1 color pip cards in our deck.
Sideboard Guide
Rakdos Prowess
Azorius Control
Izzet Phoenix
Jund Sacrifice
Enigmatic Incarnation
Next we will cover non tier one decks that you might face.