GW Angels
Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide
April 10, 2024

GW Angels is a midrange deck that wins by smashing face with big flyers. It gains a lot of pseudo card advantage with Kayla's Reconstruction, Collected Company, and Case of the Uneaten Feast that either look in the top 7 for a few creatures or allow you to recast some creatures in your graveyard. The strategy of the deck is to gain enough life to be above 27 to gain the anthem effect from Righteous Valkyrie to close out the game.


Angel Deck List Link


Creature Breakdown

Ramp: Playing three copies of Llanowar Elves and three copies of Elvish Mystic for turn one ramp. So we can play a three drop turn two. Playing four copies of Giada, Font of Hope to ramp us into multiple angels and add multiple counters to our angels.

Flex Spots: We are running four copies of Skyclave Apparition and two copies of Inspiring Overseer that give us the best shot to win game one and is our go to cards to be cut for sideboard cards. You can replace either of these cards if your meta calls for it.

Bishop of Wings: Provides four life when we have our Angels enter the battlefield. When are angels die we gain a 1/1 spirit. 

Resplendent Angel: Is one of key angels in the deck. It rewards us for gaining life by creating a 4/4 angel. It is a mana sink to give the angel a boost and lifelink.

Righteous Valkyrie: This is the most important angel in the deck. It gains us life when a cleric or a angel enters the battlefield. Later it provides an anthem effect for having our life total at 27 or higher. 

Noncreature Breakdown

Card Advantage: Running four copies of Collected Company and three copies of Kayla's Reconstruction to dig for multiple threats for one card.

Case of the Uneaten Feast: This card provides two things for Angels. Early it helps gain life to get above 27 life. Later in the gain it can help you recast angels that got hit by a removal spell earlier in the game.

Sideboard Breakdown

Removal Suite: Two portable holes for very low to the ground aggro decks.

Graveyard Interaction: Running two copies of Unlicensed Hearse to slow down Phoenix and Greasefang matchups. The key reason to run this over something like Rest in Peace is due to Kayla's Reconstruction can find this.

Combo Interaction: Both Archon of Emeria and Deafening Silence slow down Arclight Phoenix and Lotus Field. Archon of Emeria also helps against Quintorius.

Invasion of Gobakhan: Helps push out wraths and disrupts combos. Once you flip the invasion you gain away to protect your threats from non exile based wraths, while also growing your threats to close out the game.

Reidane, God of the Worthy: Helps against wraths and combo strategies. It can also help against rakdos sacrifice with the shield.

Guardian of Faith: Helps phase out your creatures against wraths.

Shapers' Sanctuary: Helps against midrange where they run a lot of targeted removal.

Sideboard Guide

Rakdos Prowess

Azorius Control

Izzet Phoenix

Jund Sacrifice

Enigmatic Incarnation

Next we will cover non tier one decks that you might face.



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February 11, 2022

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November 11, 2024
Pioneer: Simic Oculus
Donation Dech Tech, Sideboard Guide, and Upgrade Guide

With the release of Dukmourn, we got a strong card called Abhorrent Oculus. This card wants you to fill up your yard to cast it or to cheat it into play. We can do both with Neoform, Collected Company, or our other creatures that self mill. 


Link to deck list


Creature Breakdown

Elvish Mystic, Llanowar Elves, and Prosperous Innkeeper: Are early ramp creatures that can allow us to turn two Oculus with Evolution. Innkeeper allows us to turn two into a Oculus if we play an elf turn one into Innkeeper and Neoform.

Exit Specialist: Allows for a spot bounce after we manifest into it.

Fallaji Archaeologist: Woe creatures two creatures, while also lets us sacrifice creatures to help us dig for the Viper.

Masked Vandal: 1 of that we can Neoform a elf to that can answer an artifact or an enchantment. 

Fiend Artisan: Is a threat that can get huge and also sacrifice a creature to get a oculus.

Malevolent Hermit: Protects our neoform when we are going for the combo.

Abhorrent Oculus: The main threat that our deck is built around. Each opponent's upkeep you get manifest dread. That allows our threats to multiply. 

Noncreature Breakdown

Neoform and Eldritch Evolution: 4 copies of each to be able to sacrifice our weak threats to get a Oculus.


Link to deck list


Creature Adjustments

Hauntwoods Shrieker: Adding one copy of this guy to increase threats in our deck that is solid by itself. 

Glasspool Mimic: This is a nice land that can also copy a Oculus that can be found off a Evolution and Neoform. 

Aether Channeler: A flexable bounce creature that we can tutor for. It can also draw cards or make a creature token.

Picklock Prankster: Add 4 copies of Picklock to help fill up our yard faster to hard cast a Oculus turn 3. 

Noncreature Adjustments

Collected Company: Running two copies to increase our chances of finding more oculus or other threats.

Sideboard Breakdown

Slip Out the Back: It is a cheap protection spell.

Three Steps Ahead: A flexible counterspell that could copy a Oculus.

Damping Sphere: Hate for Lotus Field.

Kitesail Larcenist: A threat we can bring in against aggro to remove threats.

Mystical Dispute: Counters spirits and counterspells.

Tishana's Tidebinder: Flexible counterspell that can turn off problematic threats. 

Tranquil Frillback: Running two copies of this little dinosaur. Frillback is very universal card coming out of the board. Allows us to gain life against aggro, exile the graveyard versus Phoenix, and destroys artifact and enchantment. This functionality is useful against Engimatic Incarnation.

Sideboard Guide

Rakdos ProwessAzorius Control

Izzet Phoenix

Jund Sacrifice

Enigmatic Fires


Next we will cover non tier one decks that you might face.


Rakdos Midrange/Transmogrify

Lotus Field

Abzan Greasefang

Green Devotion

Azorius Spirits


Mono Black Demons

Boros Token Control

Selesnya Company

Read full Article
November 10, 2024
Pioneer: Jund Viper
Donation Dech Tech, Sideboard Guide, and Upgrade Guide

Lets talk about a midrange deck that is built around Rottenmouth Viper. I have been trying multiple different builds trying to get to a deck that can win without Viper but still works towards a backbreaking Viper. The deck has a balance of removal and hand disruption to stabilize against a lot of the meta until we can reach a point where a Viper can close out the game. 


Link to deck list


Creature Breakdown

Gilded Goose and Prosperous Innkeeper: This little guys help ramp us to the late game, while adding two things to the board.

Bloodtithe Harvester: A strong two drop that provides an ability to loot, could remove small creatures, or paired with Fable can take over game by removing every threat your opponent has.

Woe Strider: Woe creatures two creatures, while also lets us sacrifice creatures to help us dig for the Viper.

Rottenmouth Viper: A powerful 6 drop that can have it's casting cost discounted if we sacrificed nonland permanents. When it enters or attacks it gains a counter and then has the ability to punish your opponent for each counter on it. Most of the time they will be forced to discard the removal they had for Viper just to stay alive.

Noncreature Breakdown

Removal Suite: 4 copies of Fatal Push, 3 copies of Bitter Triumph, and 1 Blot Out to answer the opponent's threats. 

Bitter Reunion: Setup piece that draws into more removal and into our viper.

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker: 4 copies of this dominate card that helps loot away cards that aren't good in a matchup, while also creating a 2/2 goblin that creates treasures to help enable revolt or to cast the Viper. Later it can make copies of the Viper or Harvester. 

Treacherous Blessing: Enters and draws 3 cards. Later we can sacrifice it to the viper.


Link to deck list


Creature Adjustments

Voldaren Epicure: Cut the green creatures to make the mana more consistent. Voldaren still adds two permanents to the battlefield, while also powering up bloodtithe. 

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger: Add one copy of Kroxa to give the deck an alternative way to win the game.

Noncreature Adjustments

Discard: Add 4 copies of Thoughtseize and Hopeless Nightmare for turn one hand disruption. 

Removal Suite: Add 1 copy of Tithing Blade and 2 copies of Nowhere to Run, since they can remove a threat, while also being a permanent to sacrifice. 

Sideboard Breakdown

Bitter Triumph: It is a cheap removal spell that answer a Planeswalker.

Heartless Act: Removal spell that helps against aggro and can provide a win against a Arcfiend of the Dross.

Unlicensed Hearse: Graveyard hate to help against Phoenix or Greasefang.

Duress: Away to disrupt our opponent's combo or to remove counters or removal spells.

Go Blank: Additional hand disruption that also exiles their graveyard.

Ob Nixilis, the Adversary: Helps against control and other grindy matchups. 

Withering Torment: Removal spell that can answer problematic enchantments.

Extinction Event: Few copies of this exile based sweeper that can help stabilize against aggro, mono green devotion, or deal with slasher for good. 

Jegantha, the Wellspring: Sweet companion.

Sideboard Guide

Rakdos Prowess

Azorius Control

Izzet Phoenix

Jund Sacrifice

Enigmatic Fires

Next we will cover non tier one decks that you might face.


Rakdos Midrange/Transmogrify

Lotus Field

Abzan Greasefang
Green Devotion

Azorius Spirits


Mono Black Demons

Boros Token Control
Selesnya Company

Read full Article
October 31, 2024
Pioneer: Mono Red Wizards
Premium Dech Tech, and Sideboard Guide

Mono red wizards is a very affordable deck that can win a tournament. I took this deck to my RCQ and tied for 1st place to qualify for DC. The deck has new cards that are explosive like Slickshot Show-Off and Magebane Lizard. 


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