GW Angels is a midrange deck that wins by smashing face with big flyers. It gains a lot of pseudo card advantage with Kayla's Reconstruction, Collected Company, and Case of the Uneaten Feast that either look in the top 7 for a few creatures or allow you to recast some creatures in your graveyard. The strategy of the deck is to gain enough life to be above 27 to gain the anthem effect from Righteous Valkyrie to close out the game.
Creature Breakdown
Ramp: Playing three copies of Llanowar Elves and three copies of Elvish Mystic for turn one ramp. So we can play a three drop turn two. Playing four copies of Giada, Font of Hope to ramp us into multiple angels and add multiple counters to our angels.
Flex Spots: We are running four copies of Skyclave Apparition and two copies of Inspiring Overseer that give us the best shot to win game one and is our go to cards to be cut for sideboard cards. You can replace either of these cards if your meta calls for it.
Bishop of Wings: Provides four life when we have our Angels enter the battlefield. When are angels die we gain a 1/1 spirit.
Resplendent Angel: Is one of key angels in the deck. It rewards us for gaining life by creating a 4/4 angel. It is a mana sink to give the angel a boost and lifelink.
Righteous Valkyrie: This is the most important angel in the deck. It gains us life when a cleric or a angel enters the battlefield. Later it provides an anthem effect for having our life total at 27 or higher.
Noncreature Breakdown
Card Advantage: Running four copies of Collected Company and three copies of Kayla's Reconstruction to dig for multiple threats for one card.
Case of the Uneaten Feast: This card provides two things for Angels. Early it helps gain life to get above 27 life. Later in the gain it can help you recast angels that got hit by a removal spell earlier in the game.
Sideboard Breakdown
Removal Suite: Two portable holes for very low to the ground aggro decks.
Graveyard Interaction: Running two copies of Unlicensed Hearse to slow down Phoenix and Greasefang matchups. The key reason to run this over something like Rest in Peace is due to Kayla's Reconstruction can find this.
Combo Interaction: Both Archon of Emeria and Deafening Silence slow down Arclight Phoenix and Lotus Field. Archon of Emeria also helps against Quintorius.
Invasion of Gobakhan: Helps push out wraths and disrupts combos. Once you flip the invasion you gain away to protect your threats from non exile based wraths, while also growing your threats to close out the game.
Reidane, God of the Worthy: Helps against wraths and combo strategies. It can also help against rakdos sacrifice with the shield.
Guardian of Faith: Helps phase out your creatures against wraths.
Shapers' Sanctuary: Helps against midrange where they run a lot of targeted removal.
Sideboard Guide
Rakdos Prowess
Azorius Control
Izzet Phoenix
Jund Sacrifice
Enigmatic Incarnation
Next we will cover non tier one decks that you might face.